This time Tiziana’s creative genius has crafted a collection that goes beyond the boundaries of art and beauty, plowing through a sea of imagination, where matter is shaped by dreams.
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This time Tiziana’s creative genius has crafted a collection that goes beyond the boundaries of art and beauty, plowing through a sea of imagination, where matter is shaped by dreams.
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My ship is my treasure
My God is my freedom
my law, strength and wind
My only home, the sea

José de Espronceda
(1808 – 1842)

The intensity of the sea and the blue spirit that animates it are contains within the Stelle Marine Collection which is dedicated to the future of memory in an unending journey towards the discovery of wonder. This is the gift that Tiziana Terenzi so generously wanted to give to her brother Paolo. The poetry of the sea has been transformed into a work of art that has taken years to complete. The sea, whose placid kindness can turn into stormy strength in a heartbeat, its gentle waves that animate the dreams of navigators, its strict laws that regulate harmony, the deep bonds that enter the blood of those born of water salt, like Paolo and Tiziana, children of the Adriatic Sea. Since childhood, Tiziana and Paolo have grown up with a passion for the sea and its infinite spaces. A passion handed down to them by their Father Evelino, an expert navigator and “OldSea Dog”, a great visionary and eclectic inventor, capable of living in the future while respecting the harmony of nature and the rhythms that it imposes while still giving way to human footsteps.

Seeing through his eyes, as intense and green as the crystalline waters he loved to sail in his boat Isla de Tortuga, Tiziana and Paolo have learned to love and respect this generous, boundless and fundamental element of creation, as it fluctuates under the sky’s starry vault. The sea breaks on the skin of those who live by it, leaving furrows on the face, and burrowing deep grooves in the soul, until they can no longer live without it. As the wave crashes on the shore, its call enters the veins of the sailor and the souls of all those deep and courageous enough to discover the wonders of the abyss. The creative intensity of the Stelle Marine collection is inspired by the Stars of the Sea and their secrets. This time Tiziana’s creative genius has crafted a collection that goes beyond the boundaries of art and beauty, plowing through a sea of imagination, where matter is shaped by dreams.
Three years of continuous and tenacious research have overcome the technical limits, fears and beliefs dictated by experience and common knowledge. In this case, as with all great discoveries, a far sighted vision and tireless motivation were needed.
With the reckless soul of an explorer in search of Atlantis, she ventured out into the open sea, with her dreams and imagination at full sail.
Jealously guarded and protected by the crystal clear water of the sea, we find the most precious and iconic bottle of the entire collection, inspired by the sea and seafaring art, made of respect, loyalty, wisdom, discipline and rigor, but also of impetus, courage, vision, tenacity, freedom and infinite love.
Those bold enough to immerse themselves in these foaming waters ebbing and flowing between real life and dreams, will be moved by the simultaneous and harmonious stimulation of all the senses.
With trembling hand you dip into the crystal clear water where a giant golden starfish wraps around the cork of a precious bottle, a bottle that contains one of the most valuable and rare essences in the Tiziana Terenzi Collection.
Touch, hearing, sight, taste and smell are united in a unique and unforgettable experience, as unforgettable as the taste of the sea.
This is a special and precious gift that Tiziana wanted to dedicate to her brother Paolo for his fiftieth birthday. A collection inspired by their irrepressible passion for the sea and for sailing. Just like their Father Evelino, Paolo loves to and sail in his beloved, bespoke boat Telea. But he also loves to navigate the Sea of Life in search of new emotions and inspiration, following the impetuous sound of the wind that fills the sails in search of a distant harbor or a natural berthing in a deserted bay.
Inspired by the sea and its stars, a new chapter opens in the never-ending story of the creative genius of Tiziana Terenzi who has surpassed herself in this challenge, evoking our strongest emotions when faced by the ecstasy of wonder.
From the nautical language of old sea dogs come a myriad of sparkling stars that will illuminate the course of those who are not satisfied with the ordinary and always love to be uniquely special. We wish a fair wind to all dreamers and sailors. “Ship wreck is sweet in this sea”.